AndroidHacking, Termux

Ngrok | Host unlimited Phishing pages without any issue

3 min read

What is ngrok?

ngrok is a reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service. ngrok captures and analyzes all traffic over the tunnel for later inspection and replay.

What can I do with ngrok?

  • Expose any http service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a subdomain of
  • Expose any tcp service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a random port of
  • Inspect all http requests/responses that are transmitted over the tunnel
  • Replay any request that was transmitted over the tunnel.

What is ngrok useful for?

Temporarily sharing a website that is only running on your development machine

Demoing an app at a hackathon without deploying

Developing any services which consume webhooks (HTTP callbacks) by allowing you to replay those requests

Debugging and understanding any web service by inspecting the HTTP traffic

Running networked services on machines that are firewalled off from the internet

    Stpes to install ngrok

    Go to

    Click on signup and signup by filling your details or if you have git hub or google account you can sign in using it too.

      • After signup ypu will see you dashboard.
      • Scroll down little bit and you will see download option download the zip file and extract it to you main storage section.
      • Copy the Authtoken given 
      • Now open TERMUX write the following command to install ngrok.

         $   apt-get update && upgrade   // To update and upgrade termux to latest version.

         $   ls                                            // It will list all the files (directories)

         $   temux-setup-storage       // It will show a popup to get acess to your storage allow it.

         $   cd /sdcard                       // Change directory to sdcard

         $   ls                                     // You will the file which you extracted on your storage.

         $   cp ngrok $HOME            // This will copy the file to your termux storage.

         $   ls

         $   chmod +x ngrok             // It will make the file executable

         $   ls

      Now you will see ngrok is in green colour, it means it has been changed to executable file. 

      Now in order to run it you will have to verify its Authtoken, and the Authtoken which you have copied will be used here.

      Paste the Authtoken and press enter.

      So now your ngrok has been saved and in order to run it follow next commands.

        But before that turn your hotspot on. Just turn it on or else it will not work.
        • ls 
        • ./ngrok http 8080   then press enter

        • Now you will see it is successfully executed and you can see you status online 
        Note:- Your data and hotspot both needs to be active in order to achieve it.

         I know you all will be thinking what is its use . It does nothing .

        But let me tell you it is one of the most essential tool of termux and is going to help us a lot in the hacks we are going to perform in the coming lessons.

        So don’t worry if you have installed it you can relax and take a break because from now real fun is going to start and you are going to enjoy a lot.

        But in case if are not able to install ngrok don’t worry just contact me and i will help you.
        See you in the next lesson.

        Last words
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