What is ngrok?
What can I do with ngrok?
Expose any http service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a subdomain of ngrok.com
Expose any tcp service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a random port of ngrok.com
Inspect all http requests/responses that are transmitted over the tunnel
Replay any request that was transmitted over the tunnel.
What is ngrok useful for?
After signup ypu will see you dashboard.
Scroll down little bit and you will see download option download the zip file and extract it to you main storage section.
Copy the Authtoken given
Now open TERMUX write the following command to install ngrok.
$ apt-get update && upgrade // To update and upgrade termux to latest version.
$ ls // It will list all the files (directories)
$ temux-setup-storage // It will show a popup to get acess to your storage allow it.
$ cd /sdcard // Change directory to sdcard
$ ls // You will the file which you extracted on your storage.
$ cp ngrok $HOME // This will copy the file to your termux storage.
$ ls
$ chmod +x ngrok // It will make the file executable
$ ls
./ngrok http 8080 then press enter
Now you will see it is successfully executed and you can see you status online
I know you all will be thinking what is its use . It does nothing .
Last words
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